Christusträger Bruderschaft


We wouldn’t get by without help from our friends!

Freunde unterstützen uns auf ganz verschiedene Weise – © Nora Henker 2019
Freunde unterstützen uns auf ganz verschiedene Weise – © Nora Henker 2019

The work in Triefenstein, Ralligen, Vanga and Kabul needs more hands and hearts than we have. Over the decades a circle of older and younger friends has grown, whose role is to stand alongside us and support our work. They pray for us and our work, publicise what we offer, invite people to our houses, and contribute money, energy and time. Many friends roll up their sleeves to help in the kitchen or the garden, with technology or in housekeeping. Others lead retreats or support our events.

A small group, the Council of Friends, meets with us once a year to pray and to look at our direction, decisions and forward planning. Some friends who live with us are also employed by us:

If you are interested in getting to know us, you are invited to join many other friends for the Triefenstein Open Day with Open Air Concert in July. A good opportunity to visit us, with no obligation.

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