In autumn 1969 the first Brothers travelled to Afghanistan from Pakistan, and founded a small hospital in the village of Jalraiz for people with leprosy. 10 years later the work was brought to an end by the Russian invasion. We were forced to retire to Kabul to set up new treatment centres. Two small hospitals for leprosy and tuberculosis sufferers were established, alongside a technical support workshop for the city hospitals.
These institutions have become deeply rooted locally, and over the years many Afghan employees and Doctors have worked alongside the Brothers. The collaborative engagement even continued during the terrible years of civil war after the Russian invasion, enabling survival for many people. Our work has been supported from the beginning by a large circle of friends.
After the change of government in Kabul, local employees took over responsibility on site. They are supported and accompanied by two brothers who, after decades in Afghanistan, are now active in Triefenstein.
For further information look here: Freundesbriefe and Berichte.